We apologise for problems you may have had in accessing our Project Ice website, which was the subject of a malicious attack, and is now in the process of being rebuilt. This summary offers a brief description of Project Ice. For further information please do not hesitate to contact:
Vicky Hartung
Chair Great Grimsby Ice Factory Trust
07758 244487
Graeme Bassett
Secretary Great Grimsby Ice Factory Trust
07963 806897
In January 2013 the Great Grimsby Ice Factory Trust (GGIFT) was awarded £6,400 by the Heritage Lottery Fund to undertake a digital archive project which would seek out and record the memories of past employees of the Grimsby Ice Factory and associated trades on the docks.
GGIFT trustees and others volunteered over a period more than a year to meet with and videotape interviewees, the results of which can be viewed on YouTube via the following link:
Transcripts of these interviews can be obtained by application to Vicky Hartung (contact details above).
The project is ongoing, with new contacts and interviews being added as they arise. The current archive spans the period from 1937, when Alan Brydges the cooper began his apprenticeship, to 1990 when the factory closed. Contacts and connections made through the project have contributed greatly to our knowledge of how the factory functioned as a workplace, and how the ice-making production line developed over time, often due to the creative thinking of the men in charge of the machinery.
The Grimsby Ice Factory was once the largest ice factory in the world. It would still be possible to trace the ice-making process from start to finish by touring the building, were it safe to do so. Visit our main website to learn more about what the Great Grimsby Ice Factory Trust is doing to save this unique heritage asset.
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